Saturday, March 28, 2020

Great Graphic Novel

 Gene does it again.  I so wanted to share this book in person, with my students.  However, it arrived during the first week our district closed schools.  The cover is what will attract readers first: it feels very similar to an actual basketball.

Yang was teaching for many years at a high school, while working on his graphic novels.  Shortly after Boxers and Saints was published, he started paying attention to the basketball team at his school.

While the plot sounds simple, looking at one season of his high school's team, it delves into many more topics. These include, the history of basketball (here and in other countries), the history of the team, as well as Yang's story development process.

These transitions occur naturally, and somehow it all blends seamlessly.  A very enjoyable read for YA fans, graphic novel fans, and spots enthusiasts.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Nice YA mystery

I enjoyed this mystery, and think many YA readers will as well.  Despite it centering on a missing girl, who is presumed dead, it has many light moments, due to the protagonists' sense of humor.

The main character Pippa is engaging, and believable. She sets out to prove the boy accused of the murder, which took place 5 years earlier is innocent.  Her main companion during this, is the suspect's brother, and he is quite likable as well.

She does this through a senior Capstone project, and so it does venture from 1st person (when she is writing it in some chapters) to 3rd person, when the plot moves along.

While some aspects were obvious to me as an adult mystery reader, I think the various mysteries will intrigue, and stump newer mystery readers.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Lovely story

Not sure I love this cover, but the story is great. The characters were believable, helped each other, overcame differences, and worked together quite well.
Theater groups, and Mock Trial are the main groups featured in this YA novel. Narrated by two protagonists, you learn bits about them with each chapter, thus the character development is quite nice.  The chapters are set up as if they are part of a trial, which is nicely done.

I never heard about "yarn bombing" prior to this book, but it features prominently in this novel.
If you are looking for heartfelt drama (with plenty of humor) this book is for you.