Saturday, July 18, 2020

Differing paths.

This was different from the previous books I have read of Picoult's, but I enjoyed it.  I was thinking it was going in a few different directions, but was ultimately pleased with the path it led the reader on.

There are philosophical discussions on the paths we choose, and take in our lives. The character development and various reveals are all quite good.  There is a quote I would love to use, but can't until the book is published. I also think though, that the quote is best read within the text, when it is said, so I guess I will simply say it is a quote that will truly stick with me. 

This will be published in September; put it on your TBR list now :-). 

Monday, July 13, 2020

Couldn't put it down

I truly enjoyed this unique thriller.  It was well paced, an engaging plot, with characters you root for. I couldn't put it down, and loved every minute of this. The red herrings were nicely placed, and had me guessing for most of the book.

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Incredible world building

Hush: A Novel by [Dylan Farrow]

This past year has been a year of debuts, in my opinion.  Worthy debuts, I should say.  Hush by Dylan Farrow is an incredible debut. 

I was drawn in instantly, and loved every minute of this incredible book.  The world building is incredible, the characters engaging, and the protagonist so worthy of a reader's hopes and expectations.

It is a story dealing with finding our truths, and story-telling itself. How propaganda works, and how to fight it, in a beautiful told allegory.

It won't be on the shelves until October, but I suggest all put it on your TBR lists.