Thursday, May 15, 2014

Dystopian series for reluctant readers.

I have many, many struggling students/reluctant readers attempt to read these series: Hunger Games, Divergent, Hex Hall, and the Lunar Chronicles, all putting them down when they realized the books were slightly more complex than they had anticipated.

While in Toronto I picked up, The Rule of Three by Eric Walters.  It starts with a typical high school day from the view of the main character, Adam.  The day turns out to be not so typical when all computers and related technology suddenly fail.  Technology never returns....

The world is suddenly quite different, and the book realistically portrays what could happen.  In some ways it is a survival guide with almost step by step instructions on what to do and what not to do.  It isn't morally complex like the other series, nor does anyone require a great deal of background knowledge, which makes this series (book two doesn't yet have a publication date) the perfect series for students whose skills aren't quite up to the other well known series.

Despite that, I too enjoyed the book, the characters and the plot kept me reading, and I am looking forward to reading the next book.

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