Saturday, August 31, 2019

New School New Book

Just finished the teacher prep week at my new school.  A new school for teachers, students and families!  On Monday I didn't think it would be feasible to have students enter the next week, but we had a wonderful orientation on Thursday, and each day things looked better and better.
The construction crew, the custodial crew, admin and my new colleagues have all been amazing.
As I prepared my classroom, I was thinking of the new books I would be sharing with my students, read-alouds, discussions, and book talks.  I also came across a new title, that I just finished.  It is wonderful.  The 47 People You'll Meet in Middle School, by Kristin Mahoney will be the book I first read to my TA.  I highly recommend it.  A girl writes the book to her little sister, as a method of sharing what middle school will be like.  There are naturally 47 chapters that delve into friendships, teachers, finding "your people," family issues, and situations like bullying. All is adeptly told; I had only one little quibble, where the dance they have is called a Sadie Hawkins dance.  I thought those were last in style back when I was in school, an eon ago.

The characters are realistically depicted, and I really enjoyed how beautifully the author portrayed how friendships change, and how new ones can be formed.

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