Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Required Reading

This novel enthralled me from the beginning.

Firstly, I learned a great deal about international high school students from China.  I also learned about the host families these students live with (the good and the bad, and the perhaps dubious process of becoming a host family).

Secondly, the character development was beautiful.  The friendships formed throughout the novel, good and bad, were  deftly drawn out. The issues that arise were believable, and relate-able for anyone who has ever attended school as a teen.

Thirdly, the issues the book raises were beautifully handled. Sexual harassment, abuse and rape were all discussed forthrightly, and the victims reactions were believable, and heartbreaking.  I think the way the school handled each situation was sadly true to reality as well.

I think this book should be required reading for all hs students. It touches on so many issues that need frank conversations.  Sexuality, racism, classicism, relationship, friendships..and what it really means to be a friend.

The novel might be a bit mature for my 6th graders, but I am going to recommend this novel to older students, and their classroom teachers.

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