Sunday, February 16, 2020

Decent Debut

I truly enjoyed this well written debut.  Had recently read a self-published book whose plot left quite a bit to be desired, then read a new best seller that has been promoted everywhere, and was bored by that (try not to name books that disappoint me).
The Tenant featured characters I cared about, and a plot that kept me guessing.
I am hoping it might be the start of a series, as the police detectives would be a good pair to follow.
I enjoyed the fact that the plot involved a landlady writing a book, a murder mystery, only to realize her plot has been put into reality.

There were perhaps a few too many red-herrings that proved to be awful people, but not the murderer; made me think parts of Denmark are just too bleak, but I really enjoyed figuring out who the guilty party was.

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