Saturday, July 9, 2022

Summer Book Club 2022


I have joined the Summer Book Club 2022 (via The Book Love Foundation), and it is prompting me to restart blogging.  This was the first book for all grade levels (HS, MS and ES book groups).  I ended up buying all the sets, so lots of reading will need to take place!

This book was rejuvenating, and gives me so much hope as I enter my last years of teaching.  I started this career after leaving another career in the social services field.  There have been many ups and downs since I started teaching in the spring of 1997, but these last few years have been quite tough. 

This is the first educator book, that has given me hope in that time-frame.  Gives me the heart to get back to what I know to be true about literacy, and learning.  I hope that feeling is sustaining, as the year starts and progresses. 

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