Saturday, December 29, 2012

Kafka updated

I recently read, The Facility, by Simon Lelic. I thoroughly enjoyed it, and want everyone to read it, especially those that have no issues with our (USA) drone policy, FISA "laws" and the like.

A man named Arthur suddenly finds himself taken and imprisoned. His wife (they are separated) has no knowledge of where or why he has disappeared, and she enlists a journalist to aide her in finding him.

The scenes in The Facility are all to real, if you have ever read The Trial, or any transcripts from the McCarthy era. I found it particularly compelling as well, when the journalist is trying to get his editor to print what he has, and is denied...for reasons that I am sure occur often these days, "national security"

If you don't want to worry where our laws might lead, don't read this book, but if there are niggling thoughts in your head, when you read about warrantless wiretapping or drones being for the good of all, then rush to your bookstore, and buy The Facility.

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