Monday, December 31, 2012

Mixed reaction

A book called, Three Graves Full, caught my eye due to its premise. A man has killed someone and buried him in his yard, much like Poe's Tell Tale Heart, the man's conscience eats away at him. Eventually a discovery is made, but it isn't the grave he dug, it is two other graves in his yard!

So, great premise and truthfully a great start to the novel. The middle of the book however, particularly the lead up to the climax wasn't developed well, and it was more than implausible that all of the characters did what they did. The reader knows immediately who Bart is, and questions Reid's wife reasoning throughout. She in fact is, in my opinion, a useless character...there would seemingly have been other ways to develop the denouement than throwing her into the mix.

That being said, the ending was somewhat satisfying, despite the issues that lead up to it.

The author is talented, and I enjoyed some aspects of her writing style, but this book needed some polishing to make its storyline plausible.

This book will be published, Feb 12th, 2013.

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