Saturday, March 2, 2013

Blahg :-)

I have neglected the blog; I am not neglecting it due to not reading, but rather due to not finding any terrific books to promote. I have been reading constantly, but nothing has intrigued me enough to pass the titles on. I truly dislike posting bad reviews, though occasionally I do write them. I decided recently that I will only write a blog entry when I can wholeheartedly recommend a title.

I have come across a number of "blah" books posts at all in February. Ironically, this is all due to a terrific book I read, and nothing else has passed muster.

Early on I read Cinder by Marissa Meyer, and loved it. I bought copies for my book club, and everyone else loved it as well. Scarlet, the second in the series, was published on Feb. 5th; from the moment I read the first sentence I was hooked. A great sequel, wonderful new characters, and great tie ins to characters that were introduced in Cinder. I only have two complaints; everything I have read since is simply blah, and I have to wait until Feb 2014 for the 3rd book! By the way, my students all love this series too :-)

I will state one other book I just finished is also decent. Thought provoking and satirical, it is kind of a must read for moms, and for anyone who misjudges situations and people (and don't we all?): Where'd You Go, Bernadette. If you read it, let me know what you think.

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