Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Interesting Narrator

I am unfamiliar with Liz Jensen's work, but will now seek her novels out. The Uninvited was very interesting, primarily due to the narrator's viewpoint, and style. His distance from others (emotionally) actually made the novel more compelling than perhaps it would have been had the narrator been more emotionally involved with family members or friends (and others in the world).

The plot involves a corporate investigator (the narrator) who is currently investigating corporate sabotage. There is an increase in odd acts of sabotage by formerly loyal employees, and the suspects eventually commit suicide. In addition, there are odd outbreaks world wide, where children suddenly kill or maim their loved ones. These cases are eventually tied together. It is rather creepy at times, and it did keep me reading, not only because the writing style was decent, but because I was honestly trying to figure out what was causing all of these events.

The ending crept up on me, and initially I wasn't sure I liked the ending, but it kind of sits with you, and makes more and more sense.

If you enjoy zombie stories, you might enjoy this...I don't enjoy zombie stories, but felt this might appeal to those that do.

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