Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Great new (for me) series.

I had downloaded a sample chapter of The Stranger You Seek, by Amanda Kyle Williams sometime ago, but never got around to reading it. I finally read it, and had to read the novel. At that point I was lucky because there was a special running, and I bought it for 99 cents...

Keye Street is the detective in this series, and she is a unique character who is well drawn out by Williams. The supporting cast is also nicely developed.

The crimes in this first novel, are a gruesome series of killings. I was guessing throughout who the killer might be, and was surprised when the identitiy was revealed. Keye's insights are interesting, her friendships are believable, and her experiences are all too real.

I will soon download the second book in the series, Stranger in the Room. I know Ms. Williams is working on the third novel, Don't Talk to Strangers, (due in Feb., 2014) because I follow her on Facebook.

If you enjoy Lescroart, for his engaging characters and friendhips, mixed with interesting cases, you should check out this series.

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