Saturday, December 28, 2013

Dystopian thriller

I know it might seem odd that once again I am writing about a dystopian novel that I love, but it is the trend these days.

The funniest aspect of all of this to me is, the one that started the ball rolling so to speak, Hunger Games is my least favorite of all of the ones I have read. 

The novel Pawn is right up there with my favorite, Cinder (the countdown for the third book in this series, Cress, is featured prominently on my blog, as you can see).  I will soon write about Independent Study, which is the second in another series I enjoyed more than Hunger Games.

But onto Pawn.  The novel takes place in an America where meritocracy rules.  At age 17 students take a test to see what path their lives will lead.  The rankings are essentially a caste system, and our hero, Kitty, ends up ranking quite low.  She has dyslexia which is an interesting premise to deal with in a society like this.

She ends up being the double for a member of the ruling family, and I can't even begin to describe all the plot points and twists and turns this novel takes.  It was all handled well, and kept me riveted.

I am looking forward to the second book in this series.

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