Saturday, April 4, 2015

Finished the series

I finished Cuba Straits over spring break.  I enjoyed it, primarily because I am interested in Cuba and hope to visit one day.  I enjoyed the fact that Tomlinson played a large role, and I found the plot quite interesting..especially how various characters were all tied into it.

I prefer Ford's first person narratives to the 3rd person (which was used in the first couple of books in the series), but I quickly got over that. 

In this and in one other book, characters state Fidel is dead, and as far as I know he isn't...but I am sure  RWW knows more than his readers do :-). 

I have read this entire series, starting in December, 2014 when I had the pleasure of visiting Sanibel.  I enjoyed all of the books, some quite intensely due to the character development, historical information, life on the islands, Ford's home and lab.  A couple I didn't care for as much, as stated in an earlier post, but I am addicted to those characters. So much so that I am finally going to start reading other works, until Doc Ford's 23rd story line is written by the wonderful Randy Wayne White.

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