Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Undertow: Draws you in, and won't let go.

I absolutely can't wait for the second in this series! Undertow by Michael Buckley was wonderful. Great character development, interesting plot, great themes, just truly a wonderful, wonderful read.   I highly recommend this novel..  Teens and adults alike will get so much out of this novel, as they ponder similarities with issues in our world.

A new species, Alpha, emerge from the water and attempts are made to integrate with humans.  Lyric discovers she is half-Alpha, and keeps this secret as long as she can.  She is forced to befriend the prince of the Alpha, and naturally romantic feelings start, which complicates her life even further.

Issues of loyalty, empathy, cultural differences, family love, war and peace, all lead up to an exciting conclusion in book one.

This book will be available on May 5th, and I for one and am already counting the days until the second one comes out.

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