Saturday, February 4, 2017

2017: A New School = A 40 Book Challenge

It has been quite some time since I posted anything here.  All of 2016 pretty much!

My new school has put up a 40 book challenge, asking all students and staff to attempt to read 40 books, or challenge themselves in some fashion i.e. trying a new genre, or Reading Without Walls

I have read many professional books since I started school, and will list a few of those:

1) Book Love
2) Falling in Love with Close Reading
3) Book Banning in 21st- Century America
4) Learning Personalized: The Evolution of the Contemporary Classroom

I have also read some YA titles that were wonderful including:

5) Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard, Book 2 The Hammer of Thor (first book in series was excellent as well).
6) Pax
7) 19 Varieties of Gazelle: Poems of the Middle East
8) Stars Above
9) Heartless (Stars Above is a short story collection dealing with the Lunar Chronicles, and Heartless is a stand alone at this point by Marissa Meyer: I blogged about Cinder and the Lunar Chronicles earlier)
10) I am Princess X
11) Shadow Magic
12) The Thing about Jelly Fish
13) Ambassador by William Alexander
14) Ghost by Jason Reynolds
15) Tiger Rising

And I read a few random adult books, including these:

16) Razor Girl
17) Pensionless: The 10-Step Solution for a Stress -Free Retirement
18) The Trespasser by Tana Frency
19) The Bookshop on the Corner
20) The Daily Show an Oral History

I am not going back and writing reviews of these first 20 (however they are mentioned because I thought they were good), and I am not including book titles that aren't coming to mind, or are coming to mind but not worthy of mention (in my opinion).   The final 20 (or more) books that I read this school year, I will write up a review and post it here.

The first is appropriately titled, The Reader by Traci Chee
The review should appear in a few hours.

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