Tuesday, February 7, 2017


I recently read Gracefully Grayson by Ami Polonsky and liked it.  It deals with a young boy discovering, and addressing with family and others that in reality he is she.  It is well done, and can compare fairly well to George.  
I read Polonsky's other book Threads after Gracefully Grayson, and thoroughly loved it.  A young girl, Clara discovers a note in a purse written by a young girl in China, who has been kidnapped and forced to work in a factory.  The chapters alternate between both girls' stories.  Clara is also dealing with the death of her sister, which adds some depth to her story.

The reader anxiously awaits to hear if and how Yuming, the young girl in China, and Clara might meet up and/or how Yuming might be rescued.

The build up and suspense are handled well; I was truly anxious throughout much of the book.  YA readers interested in child labor issues, factory issues, work being done overseas to benefit Americans and other Westerners, will find this an intelligent, engaging read that explores these issues.

I felt the ending was realistic in many ways, and hopeful.  It might in reality be too hopeful, but I believe it is an excellent first read for those just encountering the serious issues raised. (22)

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