Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Great Beach Read

I thoroughly enjoyed, The Bookstore. The plot is fairly tame, but the author's ear for dialog is wonderful. A young woman, working on her PhD at Columbia, finds out she is unexpectedly pregnant. Her decisions regarding this are nicely depicted and realistic.

Her relationship with the father of the baby, is very nicely drawn out. Their dialog and interactions are often very funny, and the subtle manner of depicting his manipulative (and condescending) attitude towards Esme are spot on.

Esme fortunately has friends that support her, and the title of the book references her part-time job, at a used bookstore. The supporting characters are all nicely developed, and it is easy to see how this beach read, could translate to a summer rom-com movie.

If you want a nice, light, funny, beach read, pick up The Bookstore, by Deborah Meyler.
*it will be released August 20th...

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