Saturday, April 20, 2024

Loved it

Anita de Monte Laughs LastAnita de Monte Laughs Last by Xóchitl González
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Truly loved this book. I thought the characterizations were great, and the differing timelines interesting. I felt the issues both women dealt with, whether it was racism, classism or misogny were handled realistically.

I liked the aspects of Raquel discovering who to trust in her life; who truly supported her and who didn't beautifully portrayed.

I have seen some reviews giving the book a 1 due to allegations that the author didn't discuss the novel with Ana Mendieta's (the artist whom Anita is based on) family. While I understand the family being upset by this, and I certainly am not a family member so can't speak to their views at all, I believe this book brings to light Ana's legacy to those of us who weren't aware of her.

I felt the writing was excellent, and I for one came to discover Ana as a result, and have been blown away by her art that I have found online.

I also enjoyed the supernatural aspects of this story, and understand others didn't

Books speak to each of us differently. I loved this one

View all my reviews

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