Wednesday, May 22, 2024

ExtinctionExtinction by Douglas Preston
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This is pretty much an action story that starts off as a mystery. A young couple is suddenly and violently missing, thus the Colorado Bureau of Investigation and a local sheriff start to investigate.

The resort the couple was visiting features "deextincted" wooly mammoths and other herbivores.

The CBI investigator, Cash, immediatly suspects much is being hidden from her as she attempts to investigate, and while the reader may readily figure things out, the reveal for the characters was exciting and suprising. I do think they were a little slow on the uptake, but it was easy to picture their realization of the horror of what was being done.

Beverage pairing: While you don't truly need caffeine to enjoy this book (the pacing will keep you awake), it is best paired with a nice coffee made from Arabica beans.

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