Friday, May 31, 2024

An okay stranded on an island story

One Perfect CoupleOne Perfect Couple by Ruth Ware
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

I have read many of Ware's books, the majority of which I have rated a 4. This one was just ok. I didn't care for Lyla mostly because despite being a scientist and very logical and analytical (she refers to herself this way) she often wasn't logical at all. She was totally surprised at various points, whether it was the weather and its impact, the fact that she was looking at a dead body, or her own career (I mean maybe I just don't understand, but the bit about losing her job because her results weren't showing what the original scientist showed...I mean isn't the point to prove or disprove the research when you are given the role she had? Shouldn't the onous have been on the original researcher?)

Anyway, she just didn't come across as logical to me.

While I guess I could see someone reading a brief summary of the premise and then suggesting this was along the lines of "And Then There Were None" I don't think that is a valid comparison. The better comparison would probably be (view spoiler) but even that isn't a great comparison.

This didn't have the thriller vibe to me, nor was it much of a mystery. I still overall love Ware's books, and will read some I have missed of hers, as well as her future books, but this one was just an ok read.

Beverage Pairing: A Mai Tai, for the sunset coloring of the drink, and the island vibe. Perhaps you could also drink a hurricaine due to the storm that takes place.

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