Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Not really a rom-com

How to End a Love StoryHow to End a Love Story by Yulin Kuang
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

This started as a 3, but in the end it became a 2 for me. I had a hard time with Helena, the main character. And, didn't fully buy the romance.

I thought this book would deal more with grief due to the tragic nature of her sister's suicide. While on the one hand you can see how it has affected her, and the ending provides some growth on her part, I honestly think the whole arc would have been better without the romance and instead a friendship between the two of them. I say this because the unnecessary sex scenes didn't make it a romance, and neither did their regular interactions. They did have moments of true friendship though, and I think that would have been a more solid novel as it would tie in grief and forgiveness in a much more realistic manner. In my humble view rom-com's need more humor with missed opportunities etc. This had more anger (perhaps the anger was realistic) and it just never therefor met the rom com criteria.

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