Friday, August 16, 2024

Informative and interesting

Everest, Inc.: The Renegades and Rogues Who Built an Industry at the Top of the WorldEverest, Inc.: The Renegades and Rogues Who Built an Industry at the Top of the World by Will Cockrell
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I enjoyed listening to this as it is informative and historically interesting.

I have read many books on Everest and this one intrigued me because of its central premise that guiding companies caused many of the issues.

It was explained that the guides truly enjoyed helping their clients, and weren't there "only for the money" While I totally believe that they really did enjoy assisting people who had this dream of summiting, I would have loved a focus on maybe one or two of those guide/client relationships going into a bit more depth. Did they communicate between attempts, or have a friendship outside of the summit attempts, for example.

Overall the narrator was great, the issues raised were interesting, and the politics between the companies and their approaches to summitting were pretty fascinating.

Beverage Pairing: A strong, hot cup of coffee will pair nicely with the images of peaks and snow that the book conjurs up.

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