Tuesday, February 6, 2024

A Cozy series I will continue

Murder Most Frothy (Coffeehouse Mystery, #4)Murder Most Frothy by Cleo Coyle
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I have been reading Cozy mysteries recently, typically starting a series with its most recent book, and then going back to the beginning. A number of those I ended up quitting after the first or second. One series had an irritating character with supposedly no skills working in that field at a high level. That combined with the main character constantly focusing on other women's cleavage, made me give that one up. And another was so detailed about every mundane, irrelevant aspect of houses and furnishings that I was literally screaming shut up, before quitting that series.

While in all cozies one has to strain credibility at times, and usually learn a great deal about owning a restaurant, bookstore, or a bed and breakfast that the main character suddenly inherits, the good ones lure me in with good character development as well as decent mysteries with plausible red herrings and solutions that make sense.

Thus far, this series is doing that for me. This was book number 4, and I am enjoying learning more about the characters' development as it will lead me to what was taking place in the most recent book in the series. Thus, # 5 is already on my holds list at my library.

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